PSC Rail Switching: 10x safer than the FRA average
Technology: helping our employees succeed
PSC continuously seeks out new technology to provide workgroups the support they need to operate safely and efficiently. AngelTrax and Tableau have proved invaluable to PSC workgroup supervisors, allowing them to have insight into everyday operations and safety trends over time.
The proof is in the video!
AngelTrax mobile video surveillance feed captures rail operations – this footage is only accessible to workgroup supervisors. PSC supervisors regularly review the mobile video footage for training and quality control purposes allowing them to provide quality feedback to workgroups on any deficiencies, reward safe operations, and re-train any areas where knowledge gaps may exist.
80,000 job tasks and real-time behavior observation reporting
Tableau provides a centralized repository for PSC’s digital observations. Tableau’s dynamic dashboards have allowed PSC to capture and analyze more than 2,000 unique observations & 80,000 tasks since June 2019. The real-time display of top at-risk activities and individuals has provided PSC workgroup leaders with a constant source of relevant material to proactively hone operating disciplines within workgroups.